Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to find out how much CPU a SQL Server process is really using

Have you ever think about kpid in SQL Server when you look into sysprocesses system table.Its very useful coloumn when you are dealing with CPU pressure.When you look into the database server you see CPU utilization is very high and the SQL Server process is consuming most of the CPU. You launch SSMS and run sp_who2 and notice that there are a few SPIDs taking a long time to complete and these queries may be causing the high CPU pressure.
At the server level you can only see the overall SQL Server process, but within SQL Server you can see each individual query that is running. Is there a way to tell how much CPU each SQL Server process is consuming? In this article I explain how this can be done.
Find the below tip to get step by step process to identify a particular sql server process which is responsible for CPU pressure.

Tip: How to find out how much CPU a SQL Server process is really using

Enable Powershell Remoting on SQL Server Instances

Logging on to each SQL Server instance for daily DBA Administrative tasks can be quite lengthy. Are there any options available in PowerShell to reduce the effort and complexity of managing a SQL Server environment? Yes It is..Find this MSSQLTips for step by step process to enable Powershell Remoting and access SQL Server Instances remotly.

Tip:- Enable Powershell Remoting on SQL Server Instances